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Dumb stuff that I’ve done


A lot of people say I’m naturally blonde because of all the dumb things I’ve done so I made a list of everything, enjoy!




1. I thought Southampton was up north somewhere.
2. I thought Ostriches could fly.
3. I head-butted the wall in my sleep.
4. When I was making chocolate truffles in school I asked "Do we melt the chocolate at home or in school?"
5. When I was playing swing ball with a mate in my back garden, I went to hit the ball really hard, missed completely and hit myself in the head with the racket.
6. When some one said there was a dead bird somewhere I looked up at the sky an go "Where!? Where!?"
7. When I went to sit down I err..missed the chair..twice.
8. I head-butted my computer screen.
9. I was eating and I missed my mouth.
10. I saw an advert for a tv show that had finished and I got all excited and thought it was coming back for a new series but then I realized I was watching a video.
11. I was on the webcam to my mate and he told me to put my right hand up at the camera so I did. Then he pointed out that it was my left hand and I go "No it's not" but after I actually thought about it I realized it was.
12. There was a spider on my ceiling so I got my bottle (which was half full) and tried to get it in there so I could 'dispose' of it. Anyway the spider kind of fell on the side of the bottle and since I have a phobia of spiders I screamed and threw the bottle and the drink in it went everywhere - my bed, desk and floor.
13. I went to turn my tv on but I found that it wouldn't switch on. After I got my whole family in my room to try and figure out what was wrong I realised it wasn't switched on at the plug.
14. I fell over the hoover.
15. I head-butted my headboard.
16. Me, my dad and my brother was in the car and we saw some sheep at a nearby farm. Somewhere in the background was a dog barking so I said 'Why are those sheep barking?!
17. In primary school at break and lunch I was always in the secratary's office to answer the phone and stuff. One day I spilled Ribena ALL over the carpet and they had to get a new one...
18. When I went on my brother's Driving Test CD Rom there was a question like "What do you do if there is a vehicle coming towards you with full beam lights on?" and I said "Put your hand over your eyes"
19. I was taking a quiz online and one question was "If you were in a vacuum and some one shouted your name, would you be able to hear them?" and I answered "Is it on or off?"
20. When I was about to go have my teeth out my mate asked 'Are they giving you anasthetic?' and I said 'No but I'm having some injections to numb the pain'.
21. I was taking a photo and I had the camera the wrong way round and the flash went off in my eye.
22. Me and Vicki were in town and when we went in Wimpy we put sugar on our chips.
23.On my top it had a picture of a rose with wings and Vicki said 'I didn't know roses could fly' and I was looking behind me and stuff and I got really confused then she pointed out that it was on my top.
24.I mistaked vinegar for tomato ketchup.
25.My mate wanted a movie with Leonardo Dicaprio in it for her sister so we was looking for one and I was staring at one with him in it for like 10 minutes and I was like 'Nope, I can't find one' then she pointed it out to me

26.  I was talking to Nathaniel on msn and he asked me if I thought his song called ‘Phillipe le croissant’ was good. We got into a whole conversation about croissants and I didn’t know what they were, so he sent me a picture of one. First I thought it was an ant that was cross, then I thought it looked like a insect, and then one of them little funny pillow things that you put around your neck on planes.

27.  In an English lesson we was working off some sheets, and the word ‘ironic’ was on one of them, and I didn’t know what it meant so I asked ‘Does ironic have anything to do with irons?’

28.   I was drinking out of a bottle and then after I realized nothing was coming out I noticed that I’d forgotten to take the lid off.

29.  I was watching a home video of when me and my family went to Paris when I was 4, and we was at a farm and there was some chickens there and my dad asked me what there names were, and in the background my brother asked ‘Can chickens fly?’ and I thought he said ‘Patrick and Sply’.

30.  When I went to North Wales for year 6 camp we went walking on some hills and there was some big rock/boulder things all over the place. We was jumping all over them, and as I got to the front, I jumped on one of them, tripped on it and went sailing to the ground flat on my face. At the end, we all got these award things and I got the ‘Tumbley Kimberley Award’.

31.    I was watching my AC/DC Live In Donnington DVD and I had to go and put some clothes away.  I was so busy concentrating on the tv and I fell in my wardrobe.





Well that’s all for now, but since it’s me I should do a few more things in the next couple of days and I will update it.